-Emberian Solunaria
-also known as @BrowniePokemon or @fanvoidkeith in most places!
created in 2022,
updated in 2024 by Emberian Solunaria
About Me
i go by Keith, Comet, or Bones
i use he/him and they/them pronouns
tired hermit gremlin
artist, reader, writer, and ga(y)mer
i am neurodivergent and use tone indicators/tone tags to show tone through text (i can't always pick up on social cues, especially online)
Emberian Solunaria is my writer's name/pen name
Why the Names?
(i go by many different names, but my main ones are Emberian, Void Keith, and Brownie)
BrowniePokemon was based off of three things i loved- and still do love, currently! Brownies (the dessert), brownies (the faeries), and Pokemon (my longest-lasting special interest ever).
Emberian Solunaria (pronounced "em-bee-ree-en so-loon-are-ee-uh") is a name i developed over a long time as a potential writer's name (pseudonym). Now it's mostly just the name i use online. i thought "Emberian" sounded cool, and i used the root words "sol" and "lun", since having "sun" and "moon" in my name seemed cool, and kinda mysterious. also the word "aria", which is a musical term.
VoidKeith (or Keith, or K) is a more recent name that took less time to come up with. Keith is one of my chosen names- i have many- and i like the idea of space, and black holes, and my gender kinda feels like a black hole or a void sometimes. i'm fine with being caled Void, too.
additionally, about the @fanvoidkeith username- i've been in fandom spaces for a long time, and have heard the terms "fangirl" and "fanboy" very often, but there doesn't really seem to be a neutral descriptor. usually i refer to myself as a "fanperson," but that sounds kinda weird. but "fanvoid" fits me personally, so... Fan Void Keith. (fan)voidkeith.
My Hobbies
seeking knowledge (researching)
learning new things
absorbing character traits & quirks from my favorite characters into my personality
More About Me
i'm an artist & writer
i'm mentally ill lmao
my gender is a black hole in space. a void, if you will, but with some stuff floating around in it (that's the masculine part of my gender, random comets and space dust and such)
i try my best to write romance in my stories and fanfics, but i have no idea how it works because i'm ace and arospec
i'm really good at writing angst and hurt-comfort though, lmao